BIOACTIVE AND BIOINSPIRED MATERIALS Krsko Creative Sciences provides consulting services in area of materials science, physics, microimaging methods, biomimetic design, microfabrication, natural communities, science education. Length-scale mediated adhesion and directed growth of neural cells by surface-patterned poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels. Krsko P, McCann TE, Thach TT, Laabs TL, Geller HM, Libera MR. in Biomaterials. 2009 Feb;30(5):721-9. Spatially controlled bacterial adhesion using surface-patterned poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogels. Krsko P, Kaplan JB, Libera M. in Acta Biomater. 2009 Feb;5(2):589-96. Biointeractive Hydrogels. Krsko P and Libera M. in Materials Today. 2005; 8(12):36-44. Protein surface patterning using nanoscale PEG hydrogels. Hong Y, Krsko P, Libera M. in Langmuir. 2004 Dec 7;20(25):11123-6 Electron-beam patterned poly(ethylene glycol) microhydrogels. Krsko P, Mansfield M, Sukhishvili S, Libera M, Clancy R. in Langmuir. 2003; 19(14):5618-5625. |